Baucus Barrels Toward the Finish Line
The Senate Finance Committee health care markup appeared headed into the home stretch, with Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) still hopeful that the process of amending his $900 billion bill might finish Thursday evening.Baucus adjourned the markup session for a dinner break around 6:45 p.m. Thursday, with plans to reconvene at 8:30 p.m. As he has throughout the seven-day markup, the Finance chairman tried to keep the debate on amendments short, with an eye on the finish line.“You know, we can finish tonight, if we don’t have to offer all these amendments,— Baucus said at one point to Finance Republicans.Baucus said earlier Thursday that he expects the markup to finish no later than Friday. Even if the markup is completed on Baucus’ timetable, a vote to report the bill out of committee would not occur until next week, most likely on Tuesday.