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K Street Files: Bundles of Joy

Lobbyists and political action committees delivered more than $330,000 worth of bundled campaign contributions to House Members during the third fundraising quarter this year, according to Federal Election Commission disclosures filed last week.

[IMGCAP(1)]Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) was the quarter’s big winner, raking in nearly $120,000 combined from J.C. Watts Cos. lobbyist Tripp Baird, Phillip Holt of the National Installment Lenders, and Geoffrey Gradler of Roberts, Raheb & Gradler. House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) also made out handsomely this summer, bringing in nearly $70,000 from the Managed Funds Association and John Pappas of the Poker Players Alliance.

Other big third-quarter bundling recipients in the House include New Democratic Caucus Chairman Joe Crowley (N.Y.), Natural Resources Chairman Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) and Judiciary Chairman John Conyers (D-Mich.). Crowley received $23,000 in bundled gifts from AT&T’s PAC, while Conyers was feted with nearly $30,000 worth of contributions by Bryan Cave lobbyist Broderick Johnson. During the third quarter, Alcalde & Fay lobbyist Paul Schlesinger bundled $18,500 worth of campaign contributions for Rahall.

Lierman’s Lucrative Liaison. As Democrats turn their attention to the upcoming midterm election, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is calling all K Streeters for its annual fall dinner tonight. Put together by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s (D-Md.) chief of staff, Terry Lierman, a one-time lobbyist himself, the event at the Liaison Capitol Hill hotel is drawing a big crowd, according to Democratic lobbyists.

The ask: up to $2,500 per individual or political action committee to help support the cause.

On the Town. K Streeters left Capitol Hill for Mount Vernon on Wednesday night where they turned out in force for the annual Spirit of Mount Vernon fete.

Hosted by the Distilled Spirits Council, the Wine & Spirit Wholesalers of America, the International Dairy Foods Association and Historic Mount Vernon, the evening of cocktails and dinner featured a candlelight tour of George Washington’s historic house and an impressive fireworks display.

Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.) and several other Members of Congress headed to the estate, along with senior influence peddlers such as Jim Singerling, head of Club Managers Association of America; Connie Tipton, head of the IDFA; and Frank Keating, president and CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers.

Andy Briscoe, president and CEO of the Sugar Association; Evan Gaddis of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association; and Bill Graves, head of the American Trucking Associations, were also in attendance.

Lobbyists also headed out on the town Tuesday for GQ magazine’s “50 Most Powerful People in D.C.— reception at 701. K Streeters who made the list included Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America President Billy Tauzin (No. 12) and Steve Elmendorf, founder of Elmendorf Strategies (No. 32). Glover Park Group’s Kevin Madden also took part in the festivities.

Tough Haul for Unions. The Teamsters union is protesting moves by Chrysler and General Motors to cut labor costs among companies that haul vehicles from factories to dealers.

The union claims the two big auto companies, which received federal bailouts, are trying to shift the car-hauling work to nonunion drivers. The automakers are asking for savings of about 25 percent from the car-hauling business.

“These are the toughest and most dangerous jobs in the trucking industry,— Teamster Carhaul Division Director Fred Zuckerman said.

The Teamsters planned to distribute leaflets across the country at GM and Chrysler dealerships warning consumers that cars may be delivered by inexperienced drivers.

According to the Detroit News, Chrysler distributed a fact sheet on Capitol Hill saying the changes would cut $111 million in annual hauling costs and improve transit delivery time by 23 percent.

K Street Moves. James Conzelman is joining the Ripon Society as its president and chief executive officer. Conzelman served for 25 years as chief of staff to former Rep. Michael Oxley (R-Ohio).

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Editor’s Note: Tim Curran, an editor and a neighbor