DSCC Narrowly Out-Raises NRSC in January
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee out-raised its GOP counterpart by about $100,000 in January, which was a huge fundraising month for both Senate campaign committees.
The DSCC raised $5.1 million last month while the National Republican Senatorial Committee raised just more than $5 million.
But the NRSC can take heart in the fact that it banked over $2.5 million more than its Democratic counterpart. The DSCC spent nearly $4.8 million in January — a chunk of which went to trying to salvage a victory in the special election in Massachusetts — while the NRSC spent just $2.1 million.
That disparity in spending allowed the NRSC to close the cash-on-hand gap between the two committees.
As of Jan. 31 the DSCC had $12.95 million in cash on hand while the NRSC had $10.65 million in the bank. The Democratic committee is carrying about $800,000 in debt while the Republican committee is debt-free.