Indiana: Burton’s Internal Survey Shows Him With Lead
The re-election campaign of Rep. Dan Burton (R) is circulating a poll that aims to show Burton is well-positioned to win a May 4 primary against five opponents.
Burton scored 43 percent of the vote in a poll of 300 likely voters conducted by Public Opinion Strategies.
The survey, which has a margin of error of 5.6 points, showed 26 percent undecided and no other candidate breaking double digits. Former state Rep. Luke Messer showed support from 9 percent of those answering the survey. Former Congressional aide Brose McVey and former Marion County coroner John McGoff both were favored by 8 percent; state Rep. Mike Murphy, 4 percent; and teacher Andy Lyons, 2 percent.
McGoff lost to Burton in the 2008 primary, 52 percent to 45 percent.
The state does not have runoff elections, so a plurality of the vote will be sufficient to win the GOP nomination — the key race in the heavily Republican Indianapolis-area 5th district.