Nevada: Lowden Hosts Shoot But Becomes Target
Former state Sen. Sue Lowden (R) may not be generating the sort of publicity she intended with her fundraiser at the Clark County Shooting Park on Wednesday.
Turns out that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D), Lowden’s prospective general election opponent, is the public official roundly credited for obtaining the funding and the land transfer for the park. National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre even attended the opening ceremony of the park with Reid in August and issued a statement saying, “We wouldn’t be here without his vision and hard work.”
Reid has worked to portray himself as indispensable to the state as he gears up for what is likely to be the toughest re-election battle of his career.
Earlier in the campaign, Lowden praised the jobs created by the Hawthorne Army Depot, giving the Reid campaign an opening to spread the word that the Senator was instrumental in keeping the depot from closing as part of the Base Realignment and Closure process in 2005, saving hundreds of jobs.
Lowden is the frontrunner in a crowded GOP primary to take on Reid.