Murphy Attacks Burton in Latest GOP Primary Ad
Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) is the target of the latest television ad in an intensifying Republican primary in the Indianapolis-area 5th district.
Unlike the biographical ad that former state Rep. Luke Messer (R) began airing Monday, state Rep. Mike Murphy’s (R) ad aims squarely at Burton, who’s running for a 15th term.
A narrator in the ad, which Murphy’s campaign will run on broadcast and cable television for at least two weeks beginning Tuesday, accuses Burton of being “a leader in the big-spending Congress” who has “given us deficits, unemployment, an uncertain future.”
Murphy appears on camera to endorse tax and spending cuts, Congressional term limits and to say that “28 years of Dan Burton is enough.”
Burton campaign spokesman John Donnelly declined to comment on Murphy’s ad.
The ad also says that Murphy has created more than 2,000 jobs. Campaign spokesman John Hammond said that statement refers to a 2006 telecommunications deregulation law that Murphy sponsored in the state House, where he has served since 1995.
Hammond didn’t have any information on the size of the ad buy. Murphy had $174,000 in his campaign account at the beginning of the year, compared with $284,000 for Messer and $487,000 for Burton.
Murphy and Messer are among the six opponents challenging Burton in the May 4 primary that also includes former Marion County coroner John McGoff, who nearly defeated Burton in a 2008 primary, and former Congressional aide Brose McVey.