Redistricting in the “Musical Chairs” States
Election Data Services
Ted Strickland
John Kasich
CQ Politics rates
Pat Quinn
Bill Brady
Chet Culver
Terry Branstad
Bob Vander Plaats
Rod Roberts
Bobby Jindal
Scott P. Brown
Deval Patrick
Charlie Baker
Christy Mihos
Tim Cahill
Jennifer M. Granholm
crowded Aug. 3 primary contests
Chris Christie
David A. Paterson
Andrew Cuomo
Rick Lazio
Steve Levy
Carl Paladino
Edward G. Rendell
Tom Corbett
say they don’t know enough
This is the second of a three-part series on the impact of the governors’ races on congressional redistricting; part I, published Friday, examined the states that are projected to gain House seats in reapportionment.