Kansas: Whose Name Is It Anyway?
The new website StepheneMoore.com provides information about the Democrat running for Congress in Kansas’ 3rd district — but the site is run by her Republican opponent, state Rep. Kevin Yoder.
In a classic case of domain name squatting for political purposes, Yoder’s campaign snatched the .com for Stephene Moore’s name and designed a running attack ad with promotional help from new media consulting firm CraftDC. The site shows Moore and her husband, retiring Rep. Dennis Moore, with a stamp over them that says “Pelosi approved.”
The top video on the site questions Moore’s ties to Kansas, decrying her “Washington lifestyle” and detailing taxpayer-funded trips Moore took with her husband. A map shows how close her Washington home is to Capitol Hill.
“This website highlights the major inconsistencies of Stephene Moore’s campaign,” Yoder campaign manager Travis Smith said in a release. “Stephene Moore has chosen to make her campaign about the smoke and mirrors game that is typical of Washington politicians. This website is our way of poking fun at that ridiculousness.”
Moore’s campaign just called it ridiculous.
“It’s more Kevin Yoder attacking because he doesn’t want to defend his record of raising taxes and cutting funding for schools,” Moore Communications Director Trevor Willett said.