Louisiana: Richmond Leads Cao By 11 Points
Some rare good news for Democrats came in the form of a new poll, commissioned by liberal website Daily Kos, that showed Democrats still on target to take back Louisiana’s 2nd district this fall.
State Rep. Cedric Richmond (D) led Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao (R) 49 percent to 38 percent in the New Orleans-based district, with 13 percent undecided. The survey of 605 likely voters was conducted Saturday to Sunday by the Democratic polling firm Public Policy Polling. It had a 4-point margin of error.
The majority-black 2nd district, which President Barack Obama carried with 75 percent in the 2008 presidential race, has long been at the top of Democratic target lists.
The PPP survey was in the field at the same time that Richmond went up with his first campaign ad, which featured Obama.