Mack Challenges Price for Republican Policy Committee Chairmanship
Rep. Connie Mack IV (Fla.) announced Thursday that he is throwing his hat into the race to chair the Republican Policy Committee. He will face Rep. Tom Price (Ga.), who is also vying for the open committee spot.
“I am running for Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee to help develop those ideas and follow through on the Republican Conference’s Pledge to America,” Mack said in a statement. “By bringing together various perspectives and allowing ideas to flourish, we can harness the energy of our country and our Conference to enact thoughtful ideas that get back to our nation’s founding principles.”
Mack outlined his vision for the committee in a letter to colleagues Thursday.
“Now that we have been granted a second chance to lead, we must not fail,” Mack wrote. “The RPC will be the tip of our Conference’s spear. As Chairman, I will lead this invigorated, motivated committee of men and women who share my goal of advancing freedom, security, and prosperity.”
Mack will face a tough challenge to Price, who has already secured the endorsement of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Republican Conference Secretary John Carter (Texas).
“Governing is a huge challenge and awesome responsibility,” Price said when announcing his bid to run Wednesday.
He said he envisioned a “vibrant and active” committee.
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (Mich.), the panel’s current chairman, announced earlier this year that he would not seek another term in that position and suggested the committee should be disbanded.