Heard on the Hill: A Sign of the Times
Members of Congress often pledge to cut spending of federal tax dollars before they get to Washington.
But once they’re here, it can be tough, what with the constant stream of visitors to their offices seeking money for X project or cash for Y program.
But freshman Rep. Dan Benishek says he isn’t having it — and he’s got the sign to prove it.
The Michigan Republican posted a huge banner in his office last week reading, “Welcome/‘If you are here to ask for more money, you’re in the wrong office!’ Congressman Dan Benishek M.D.”
And now we figure that when groups come to his Cannon House Office Building suite, Benishek and his staff can just point to the sign.
“I’ve been in Washington for 44 days and no one has hiked to the fifth floor of the Cannon building and asked me to spend less money. By contrast, nearly everyone back in Northern Michigan I meet asks me to stop the federal government’s out-of-control spending,” Benishek said last week.