Heard on the Hill: Take Five!
Every Tuesday, HOH gets to know a Member of Congress better through a series of five fun questions. This week, we chat with freshman Rep. Blake Farenthold. Among other tidbits, the Texas Republican shares how he met his wife.
Q: What team do you think will win the Stanley Cup?
A: As a Texan, I’d love to see the Stars make it — but I’m going with the Detroit Red Wings.
Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (aside from your family), who would it be and why?
A: If present time, Jimmy Buffett. My wife and I met waiting in line for tickets to one of his concerts in Austin, Texas. We just celebrated our 25th anniversary.
Q: What’s your favorite drink?
A: Dr. Pepper made with pure cane sugar, not high fructose corn syrup.
Q: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
A: Drama: “Top Gun” (overall favorite)
Comedy: “Happy Gilmore”
Classic: “Casablanca”
Q: Who’s your best friend in Congress?
A: My daughter, Morgan; she is an intern in the office of Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas).