HOH’s One-Minute Recess: Lewis’ Talk-Show Turn? ‘O’ Yes.
We know Rep. John Lewis has spent time with one of the “Big O’s,” President Barack Obama. But today, he’s making an appearance with the other famous O: Oprah.
The Georgia Democrat will be featured on today’s “Oprah Winfrey Show,” his office says. The episode explores the civil-rights era’s Freedom Rides on their 50th anniversary and will reunite Lewis with a man who savagely beat him. On May 4, 1961, Lewis was among a group of seven blacks and six whites who left Washington, D.C., on a bus bound for New Orleans. Along the way, the group challenged segregation laws — and made history.
The promo has all the elements of a classic Oprah show: one part drama, two parts tear-jerking. “I stand among heroes,” the talk-show queen announces.
Lewis plans to tune in from his Washington office. And HOH will be watching to see whether Lewis makes like one of Oprah’s former guests and jumps up and down on her sofa.