Heard on the Hill: Long-Winded for a Cause
Typically, Congressional loquaciousness takes the form of long-winded floor speeches or boring statements. So we should all applaud when a Member uses his chattiness for good (disaster relief) and not evil (snooze-inducing).
Auctioneer and Rep. Billy Long (R-Mo.) was set to flap his jaws Tuesday night for an event at the Missouri State Society to raise money for the citizens of Joplin, Mo., who were affected by last month’s tornados.
“I am excited to serve as auctioneer,” he tells HOH. “This is a great event for a great cause, and I look forward to joining the rest of the Missouri delegation, members of the Joplin Area Coalition and local and national businesses in supporting a community that was once just a Missouri town, but is now Missouri’s town.”
Long planned to tweet the event as well, so we’re expecting some dish from @auctnr1.