Pawlenty Buys First TV Ads in Iowa (VIDEO)
Updated: 9:45 a.m.
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty released the first Iowa television ad of his presidential campaign Wednesday, another move suggesting he’s banking his resources toward a strong finish in the caucuses next year.
The spot is aimed at Hawkeye State Republicans and emphasizes the former governor’s experience running his state.
“A lot of candidates will come to Iowa and say the same things. The question is, have they done it?” Pawlenty says in the spot.
“In a liberal state, I reduced spending in real terms for the first time, took on the government unions and won, appointed a conservative supreme court and passed health care reform the right way – no mandates, no takeovers,” Pawlenty continues in the ad. “If I can do it in Minnesota, we can do it in Washington.”
Pawlenty has devoted much of his presidential campaign’s attention to Iowa, which borders on his home state. Polls show he is not as well-known on a national scale as some of the other GOP candidates, so he must perform well in the first-in-the-nation state to propel him to victory through the rest of the primary calendar next year.
A source familiar with the buy said Pawlenty is spending $50,000 and the spot will run until July 3.
Watch the ad: