Heard on the Hill: Blast From the Past
That handsome devil smiling back at you from beneath that mop of long, slightly wild hair is a young Rep. John Yarmuth.
The Kentucky Democrat chuckled repeatedly while discussing the unique circumstances surrounding his debut in Roll Call in early 1971.
“It was an April Fool’s,” he recalled, noting that the paper used to feature female pinups on a weekly basis.
Yarmuth, who arrived in town that February to serve as a legislative aide for then-Sen. Marlow Cook (R-Ky.), still has no idea how or why he was picked for the goof.
“That certainly wasn’t marketed by my office,” Yarmuth maintains. But he said the novelty shot definitely raised his profile around Capitol Hill.
“I got a lot of nice comments,” he said of the splash that the spread made that spring. “It was good, and it was funny.”
The one-time journo copped to inserting himself, mostly anonymously, into photos for his first publishing vehicle, the now-defunct glossy Louisville Today, but he insists he was never again asked to pose as a pinup.