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HOH’s One-Minute Recess: Extreme Cantor Makeover

Senate Democrats have decided to do House Majority Leader Eric Cantor a solid.

Adam Jentleson, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), and Brian Fallon, spokesman for Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), have started the “Cantor Makeover Tips” hashtag on Twitter.

“There was a story yesterday about how Cantor wanted to do a makeover,” Jentleson tells HOH. Apparently, the Virginia Republican wants to create a “kinder and gentler image.”

Fallon and Jentleson, looking to be helpful — and perhaps with less to do while their chamber is on recess this week — tweeted their top 10 Cantor makeover tips.

“The gist was for [Cantor] to stop advancing policies that hurt our a economy and which most Americans oppose,” Jentleson tells us.

Apparently, there wasn’t a huge response, so Jentleson tells HOH he and his partner in tweet don’t have any plans for a follow-up act.

Cantor’s folks were whelmed.

“So the Reid/Schumer press boys — Bert and Ernie sitting 10 feet from each other over there — tried to sharpen their Twitter skills by tweeting at each other for 20 minutes?” Cantor spokesman Brad Dayspring asked HOH.

“While I’m sure they amused themselves,” he continued, “perhaps the country would be best served if they used their spare time to make their bosses aware of the 16 House-passed, bipartisan jobs bills that are awaiting Senate passage.”

Perhaps there’s room for a Twitter war after all.

The Fallon and Jentleson tweets are below. If you, dear reader, have your own makeover tips for Congress, Cantor, Schumer, Reid or any of their minions, please tweet at @HeardontheHill or scrawl it across our Facebook wall.

10. Stop blocking House action on bipartisan China currency bill #CantorMakeoverTips cc: @brianefallon

9. Stop blocking jobs plan that wld put construction workers back to work repairing roads & bridges #CantorMakeoverTips cc: @AJentleson

8. Stop protecting tax giveaways for Big Oil #CantorMakeoverTips cc: @brianefallon

7. Stop pretending that rolling back environmental standards & pollution limits is a jobs plan #CantorMakeoverTips cc: @AJentleson

6. Stop politicizing disaster aid #CantorMakeoverTips cc: @brianefallon

5. Stop walking out of bipartisan deficit talks like last spring’s VP-led negotiations #CantorMakeoverTips cc: @AJentleson

4. Stop putting Grover Norquist and his pledge ahead of a comprehensive deficit deal #CantorMakeoverTips cc: @brianefallon

3. Is an important one: Stop protecting millionaires tax breaks we can’t afford #CantorMakeoverTips cc: @AJentleson

2. Stop risking government shutdowns to appease the Tea Party #CantorMakeoverTips cc: @brianefallon

And #1 makeover tip for improving @GOPLeader’s image: Disavow Ryan plan to end Medicare as we know it #CantorMakeoverTips cc: @AJentleson

Let slip the dogs of Twit.

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