Heard on the Hill: Beach-Party Blowouts Fallout
Like the “G.I. Joe” public service announcements say: Knowing is half the battle. If that’s true, Capitol Hill staffers have HOH to thank for being informed that getting loaded in Annapolis and trying to bribe people with pecans is a bad idea.
You’re welcome, America.
HOH has learned that at least one House committee is planning to include HOH’s “Rep. Palazzo’s Hill Staffers Gone Wild — Show Us Your Pecans!” story in its intern orientation binder. We take it as a compliment.
The story of overzealous party planner Whitney Donald, scheduler for Rep. Steven Palazzo (R-Miss.), will serve as a warning for Washington young ’uns new to the Hill and drunk on junior-level power.
A Palazzo spokesman told the Biloxi Sun Herald that Donald and Richard McKay, were the only Palazzo staffers involved in the party. They have been fired.
The waterfront property was rented for two nights and one day for $1,300. Donald put the deposit, which was forfeited, on her credit card. The card used the Cannon House Office Building as the billing address, but, according to Palazzo’s office, was not an official purchase card. Donald paid the balance with a check from the Congressional Federal Credit Union.