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Some Ethics Name Calling

A Florida blogger has lodged an official complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics against Rep. Connie Mack IV and describes the Florida Republican with one of the more creative insults we at HOH have seen — and we see a lot.

Timothy “Chaz” Stevens, a software engineer, burgeoning writer, political activist and the brain behind “My Acts of Sedition” blog, has a penchant for over-the-top rhetoric.

Early last week, Stevens — whose nickname is the same as Mack’s stepson, Chaz Bono — took his gripes about the Congressman, who is running for the Senate, to the OCE.

“According to published news reports [Mack] used Federal money to send brochures to individuals outside of his constituency. … The House Franking Commission while taking no action, noted the mailer violated House rules,” he wrote in his notarized letter.

Earlier this year, Mack was slammed for using federal funds to send campaign fliers across the state. When confronted, Mack said it was the firm William McClintock Associates that was responsible for the mailings, not him.

In May, the firm repaid the U.S. Treasury almost $18,000.

In his letter to the OCE, however, Stevens claims that Mack, not the firm, should repay the funds.

“I therefore file this complaint against the butt-nugget Mack for campaign violations and failing to pay for his own promotional brochures.”

The term ‘butt-nugget’ “served its purpose,” Stevens tells HOH. He says his word choice caused people to take notice.

“There is always a method to my madness, but once you get past the delivery,” he claims, the “charges stick every time.”

Stevens’ hobby is investigating politicians for corruption.

“I’ve been utterly brutal,” he boasts. Stevens is a registered Republican but says he doesn’t vote along party lines.

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