California: Brad Sherman Loans Himself $450,000 After Primary

Rep. Brad Sherman loaned his campaign $450,000 on June 6, the day after finishing 10 points ahead of fellow Democratic Rep. Howard Berman in the top-two primary.
That helped Sherman bring in $764,000 total in the second quarter and boosted him back above $3 million in cash on hand as of June 30.
“We have more than six times as much money in the bank as Berman,” Sherman chief campaign strategist Parke Skelton said in a statement. “That presents the Berman campaign with a very daunting fund-raising challenge.”
After raising $509,000 and spending more than $2.5 million in the quarter, Berman ended June with just $447,000 left in the bank. The Berman campaign noted that it has far outraised Sherman for the cycle and already has “two-dozen upcoming fundraising events scheduled.”
“The outpouring of support for Howard’s campaign shows that our message is resonating with voters here in the Valley, and that we have the fundraising strength to take us through Election Day,” Berman senior adviser Brandon Hall said in a statement.
Berman was 2 points short of winning the state party endorsement in a delegate vote on Sunday, taking 58 percent. Sherman won 53 percent of the delegate vote in the previous vote in February, the Berman campaign said Sunday.