Georgia: John Barrow Survives

Georgia Democratic Rep. John Barrow proved tonight he is the survivor’s survivor.
Drawn into a strong Republican seat during redistricting and hammered relentlessly for months by local and national Republicans, the Blue Dog Democrat managed to pull out a strong victory tonight, beating Republican Lee Anderson.
With 94 percent of precincts reporting, the Associated Press said the incumbent took 54 percent to Anderson’s 46 percent.
A tireless fundraiser, expert campaigner and affable politician, Barrow used smart, fun advertising to paint himself as beyond the party. In one ad, emphasizing his National Rifle Association endorsement, he pulled a gun out of his waistband and showed another leaning on the table beside him.
Anderson was a weak candidate and struggled with the rigors of a hotly fought campaign.
Despite Barrow’s surprisingly comfortable win tonight, there’s no doubt Republicans will be back in 2014 to try to unseat him again.
Barrow is — and remains — the only white Democratic Congressman from the Deep South.
Here’s one of Barrow’s more potent ads: