Biden Will Host Google Hangout
Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. will get his Google on, hosting a “fireside hangout” Thursday for Google+ adopters interested in hearing more about the administration’s anti-gun violence plans.
The webcast is scheduled for 1:45 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Biden will be joined by ex-Apple guru Guy Kawasaki and YouTube personality Philip DeFranco — whose living-room-like set features a framed picture of weapons (a handgun, grenade, Buck knife and machine gun) arranged to spell out “LOVE” — for a free-form discussion moderated by PBS NewsHour correspondent Hari Sreenivasan.
President Barack Obama did the Google hangout thing in January 2012. VPOTUS made headlines on Jan. 18 when he gave “Diamond” Joe Biden the business during an “Ask Me Anything” that The Onion folks held on reddit.
“Q for @reddit AMA with my @TheOnion pal: A Trans-Am? Ever look under the hood of a Corvette? #imavetteguy –VP,” Biden fired off on Twitter, much to the delight of social media users everywhere.
Those who wish to participate in Thursday’s exchange can ping the aforementioned participants directly. Casual observers can follow the action on the White House Google+ or YouTube pages.