Kinzinger’s Kegerator Mystery
It’s been a long day. Votes have been cast. Emails have been sent. Finally, it’s beer o’clock.
Most House and Senate members and staffers have to reach into the office mini-fridge to pass around a long-neck bottle, or else they have to throw on their coats and make the multiblock trek to the nearest bar for a draft.
Unless, of course, you’re Rep. Adam Kinzinger and his Longworth Office staff.
Recently, the 35-year-old Illinois Republican allegedly installed a kegerator in his Washington office. This draft-beer-dispensing appliance may have been the inspiration behind several “after-hours parties.”
One HOH tipster suggested that fellow GOP members were invited to let off some steam a few weeks ago. (Did our Evite get lost in the virtual mail?)
HOH called the office to confirm the story. Then we popped by for a tour, and perhaps a glimpse of the Kinzinger kegerator. When we arrived, the congressman was leaving, but he took a minute to shake our hands and told us his staff would be happy to show us around.
After we walked in, we told the staff we were reporters.
At that point, most of the staff, and an intern, headed into a back room. Finally, after a quarter of an hour, our request for a tour was denied. Le sigh.
“Any other day, we’d be happy to [give you a tour of the office],” one staffer told us. But with votes and everything, she explained, everyone is just too busy.
Another referred us to the press secretary.
When we asked about the kegerator, a young staffer turned a fetching shade of red and told us that “none of the staff can speak to press.”
HOH then called the district office and emailed the press secretary twice. We also called the chief of staff and followed up with an email. Finally, we put a card in to chat with the congressman during votes, but, alas, we must have missed each other.
Here’s the thing. This is a town that imbibes. HOH is known to occasionally imbibe.
Our feelings are simply the wee-est bit hurt because we have yet to be included in any of the Kinzinger kegerator klatches.