Senate Conservatives Action Launches Radio Ad Linking Pryor to Obama
Senate Conservatives Action launched a 60-second radio spot Thursday linking Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Ark., to President Barack Obama, who remains deeply popular in the Razorback State.
The conservative, GOP-aligned group’s spot, backed by $35,000 in the Little Rock and Fort Smith markets, will air through March 26. The ad opens with a man and woman watching TV together and disagreeing about what show to watch.
“You think it’s possible for a couple to agree 95 percent of the time?” the woman asks.
“Ninety-five percent of the time?” the man says, chuckling. “No way!”
“Well, Mark Pryor voted with Barack Obama 95 percent of the time,” the woman replies.
Obama took less than 37 percent of the vote in Arkansas in 2012, so it’s no surprise that Republican groups have taken to tying Pryor to the president.
The anti-tax Club for Growth launched a TV ad linking Pryor and Obama last month.
According to CQ Roll Call Vote Studies, in 2011, Pryor voted 95 percent of the time with the president in votes where Obama clearly indicated his preference. In 2012, that number fell to 91 percent.
Freshman Rep. Tom Cotton is seen as the most likely Republican to take on Pryor, though he has not said whether he intends to run.