Youth Serves Johnson Beef
There is an adage for those who pour drinks and serve food for a living: You can tell the measure of a person by how he or she treats the staff. A less polite truism for those being served: Never mistreat the person bringing you food or drink, because spit happens.
So on March 15, our eyebrows arched when we saw a young man tweet: “Serving Ron Johnson at work, I started off excited to see a US Senator and to serve him… But turns out hes kinda a jerk haha” The tweet, closed with the subtle hashtag #RJSucks, seems to have been sent by a server at the Bull at Pinehurst Farms golf course and restaurant in Sheboygan Falls, Wis.
HOH contacted the Wisconsin Republican’s office to see what went down: Was the service shoddy? Was the senator having a bad day? Was Johnson simply saddled with an uber-sensitive server?
“Sen. Johnson had an enjoyable dinner and thought the wait staff did an excellent job,” Johnson’s spokesman said in an email to HOH. “He was perfectly pleasant to everybody he talked with that evening.”
HOH reached out to @Scheidt24 but didn’t get a reply to our request for comment.