PACs Spot a Winner in Robin Kelly’s Bid to Succeed Jesse Jackson
Contributions notices filed over the weekend show several PACs have placed their money on Robin Kelly (D-IL-02) for Tuesday’s Special General Election. The seat was previously held by Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. PACs giving to Kelly included: American Medical Assn. PAC $5,000; SEIU-COPE $5,000; MCapitol Management/MWH Americas PAC $3,000; Union Pacific Fund for Effective Government $1,000; AFSCME AFL-CIO $5,000; Exelon Corp. PAC $1,000; AFT-COPE Voluntary A/C $5,000; American Hospital Assn. PAC $1,000; and the Realtors PAC $5,000.
Her opponent, Paul McKinley received $1,000 from Patriot PAC (TX); and $1,000 from the American Sovereignty PAC. The TeaParty.Net Leadership Fund reported it spent $11,725 on 4/5 for targeted online advertising and targeted calls.