Charlotte Mayor to Be Nominated as Transportation Secretary
Outgoing Charlotte, N.C., mayor Anthony Foxx will be President Barack Obama’s pick for the next Transportation Secretary, according to two sources with knowledge of the selection.
The announcement will be made Monday, the sources said.
Foxx has emerged in recent weeks as a leading contender to succeed Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, who has said he is prepared to stay on until a successor is confirmed. The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, chaired by Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., will take up the nomination.
Foxx’s connection to top Democrats was secured after successfully bringing the 2012 Democratic National Convention to Charlotte. The event allowed Foxx to show off the city’s new light-rail system, though the project was the result of work from previous administrations.
Foxx is African-American and his nomination may help Obama deflect criticism about a shortage of diversity in his second-term cabinet.
LaHood announced his departure months ago but has remained an active manager of the Transportation Department, continuing his aggressive anti-distracted-driving campaign. He also has overseen the Federal Aviation Administration’s investigation into Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner battery failure problem, as well as the recent week-long rotation of furloughs for air traffic controllers.
The resolution of the FAA sequester and air traffic control towers issues made this a logical time for the transition to a new secretary.