Last-Minute Activity in SC-01, NRA Gives to Mark Sanford
Republican Mark Sanford reported receiving a $2,000 last-minute contribution from the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund.
The Independent Women’s Voice reported spending $91,985 on May 2-3 for independent expenditures opposing Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch in the South Carolina May 7 special election. The ad is entitled “Elizabeth and Rich.” The independent expenditure group paid $54,675 for broadcast air time; $19,158 for cable air time; $10,000 for script writing and management; $3,256 for production; $3,100 for DG upload; and $1,795 for voice talent.
The House Majority PAC, a Democratic-aligned super PAC, reported spending $19,144 on direct-mail independent expenditures opposing Sanford.
Colbert Busch reported she received $5,000 from the Machinists Non Partisan Political League; $2,500 from the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades Political Action Together Political Committee; $5,000 from the Laborers International Union of North America PAC; $2,000 from the Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs; $1,000 from the American Federation of Government Employees PAC; and $1,000 from the International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers PAC.