Tweeps Don’t Get Lindsey Graham’s ‘Gallows’ Humor
Arizona Republican and Vietnam War veteran John McCain crept into Syria on Memorial Day for a surprise visit with insurgents — a bold maneuver that prompted pal Lindsey Graham to commemorate the trip thusly:
The Twittersphere didn’t take too kindly to the glib remark, bashing the South Carolina Republican — a man who is supposedly so close to the McCain clan that his eldest daughter Meghan McCain considers Graham “an uncle” — for making fun of a potentially explosive situation.
A Senate staffer brushed aside the negativity, suggesting that these types of exchanges are commonplace between the GOP pals.
“They are very close friends and share a mutual appreciation for gallows humor,” the Graham aide assured HOH, pointing out that McCain had cracked wise about Graham being taken hostage earlier this year.
Everyone’s a comedian …