Titan Arum Set to Stink Up Botanic Garden
Staffers in need a break from the toxicity of partisan politicking and the now-daily downpours should boogie their way down to the Botanic Garden for a breath of not-so-fresh air: the manifestation of the infamous “corpse flower.”
Per the USBG, the fabled flower, which breezed into town this morning, only blooms for around 48 hours.
But once it opens up, look out.
“Its putrid smell is most potent during peak bloom at night into the early morning. The odor is often compared to the stench of rotting flesh,” botanists warn, noting that the signature stink is like a beacon designed to “attract pollinators, such as dung and carrion beetles, from across long distances.”
The plant last came around in 2007. So if you can’t wait another six years to fill your nostrils with eau de decay, head down to the climate-controlled conservatory ASAP.