RNC Raises $2.6 MIllion More Than DNC in June
The Republican National Committee raised $2.6 million more than the Democratic National Committee during June, has $7 million more in cash, and has no debts as compared with the $18 million owed by the DNC.
The RNC reported receipts of $8,067,785 in June. Individual contributors gave $7.5 million, including $3.5 million from individuals contributing $200 or less. PACs and other committees gave $315,850. Itemized donors from California gave $654,488.
Selected major donors included $32,400 from the following: Sheldon Adelson (chairman, Las Vegas Sands Corporation, Nev.); Miriam Adelson (physician, Nev.); Thomas James (chairman, Raymond James Financial Inc., Fla.): John Templeton (president, John Templeton Foundation); Anthony Scaramucci (managing partner, Skybridge Capital, N.Y.); James Perkins (president and chairman, Citizens 1st Bank, Texas); among others.
The DNC reported it raised $5,457,926 in June. Individuals contributed $5.3 million. Itemized donors from California gave $923,921, and those from Florida gave $877,224.
Selected donors included $32,400 from the following: Steve Chen (You Tube/Google); Robert Iger (CEO, Walt Disney Company); Michael Wang (COO, Onestop Internet); Cheryl Saban (chairman, Saban Family Foundation); George Krupp (executive, The Berkshire Group); Anita Hirsh (owner, Mercantile Center); and Anne Earhart (philanthropist); among others.
The DNC spent $5,823,402 including $1 million on June 1 to pay down their outstanding loan from Amalgamated Bank of New York. The committee transferred $511,846 to other committees. The committee paid $663,985 for direct mail, $497,910 for salaries, $420,936 for telemarketing, $347,455 for data services and $276,355 for polling expenses, among other costs, such as $20,928 paid to Domino’s Pizza. The committee had $5,671,664 cash on hand as of June 30, with outstanding debts of $18,343,184.