Take Five: Robert Pittenger
It’s time again for Take Five, when HOH talks with a member of Congress about topics relatively unrelated to legislative work. This week Rep. Robert Pittenger, R-N.C., talks about being banished from caffeine and what he’s learned from strong leaders.
Q. You have long days while Congress is in session. Are you a coffee/tea/soda addict now? What is your beverage of choice to get you through the day?
A. My staff won’t let me have caffeine. They say I’m high strung enough without it! The long days and busy schedule have forced me to start wearing rubber-soled shoes. After work, I enjoy a club soda with a splash of cranberry juice, and occasionally a glass of wine.
Q. You began your career in service to your faith. Do you continue working with faith-based projects?
A. Actually, I was in east Asia on a mission trip when I was first contacted about running for Congress. My wife and I met while working for a campus ministry organization, and we continue to be actively involved with several Christian ministry groups.
Q. What is your favorite movie of all time and why?
A. “Patton.” Gen. Patton was a remarkable military leader, and I am always interested in learning from great leaders.
Q. What are your plans over the congressional recess?
A. “Recess” was in the fourth grade when you go outside and play kickball! During August, I will host seven town hall meetings in the district, congratulate summer school graduates and travel to Israel with Majority Leader Eric Cantor. May I have my club soda now?
Q. If you could travel anywhere in the world [some place you have not visited], where would you go, and why?
A. Australia — a beautiful country that is fertile for growth and great opportunity.