Friends of 340B — A Prescription for a Government Program
Friends of 340B sounds like a group supporting a new highway, a ballot measure or a new 401(k)-type investment plan.
But it really is the name of new PAC registered and set up with no listed affiliation or connected organization. The treasurer is John M. Coster, senior director of government relations at the Safety Net Hospitals for Pharmaceutical Access. The group is a nonprofit organization of more than 1,000 public and nonprofit hospitals and health systems in the U.S. that participate in the Public Health Service 340B drug discount program.
Coster had been the former senior vice president for government affairs at the Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. Coster is a registered pharmacist and holds a doctorate in Policy Sciences from the University of Maryland. He previously worked for the Senate Aging Committee. He also worked at the National Association of Chain Drug Stores and the National Community Pharmacists Association.