EMILY’S List Raises Almost $10 Million for Female Candidates
A national PAC that raises funds to give as early startup money for the campaigns of female candidates has reported raising almost $10 million in the first six months of 2013 for its federal and non-federal accounts.
EMILY’S List federal PAC had previously reported receipts of $8,740,031 for the first six months of 2013. The non-federal Section 527 account, which was just made public by the IRS today, shows $2,958,996 in receipts for January to June. The total of both, with internal transfers removed, is $9,877,022 in combined receipts.
EMILY’S List Non-Federal reported it raised $2,958,996 and spent $2,304,232 in its Section 527 account. The major donors identify the key base of supporters around the country. They are Judith-Ann Corrente (investments, New York, N.Y.) $255,000; M. Quinn Delaney (Akonadi Foundation, Calif.) $250,000; George-Ann Hyams (George Spota Productions, Calif.) $204,000; Catherine Wright (Ypsilanti, Mich.) $100,000; Jeff Hawkins (Atherton, Calif.) $100,000; Priorities USA (D.C.) $100,000; Ellen Poss (Brookline, Mass.) $50,000; Anne Delaney (New York, N.Y.) $50,000; Katrina Vanden Heuvel (The Nation Magazine, N.Y.) $50,000; Gladys G. Cofrin (Gainsville, Fla.) $50,000; Fay Chandler (Brighton, Mass.) $50,000; Pamela Grissom (Vail, Ariz.) $40,000; Lawrence E. Hess (Lehbros Limited, Calif.) $35,000; and Dennis Eck (retail, Nev.) $27,000.
Those giving $25,000 included Laura Ricketts (Chicago, Ill.); Constance Williams (Haverford, Pa.); Mary Ann Stein (Bethesda, Md.); Mary Lee Dayton (Wayzata, Minn.); Susan Hunter (Manchester Center, Vt.); Ann D. Taft (Binghamton, N.Y.); Marie T. McKellar (Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.); Roxanne Quimby (Portland, Maine); and James B. Flaws (Painted Post, N.Y.).
The non-federal account paid $1,822,005 to Emily’s List Federal Operating account.