O’Malley Non-Federal PAC Pays National Polling Firm
A potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidate has reported that one of his fundraising organizations made its largest expenditure to a national polling company.
Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, a Democrat, has a Section 527 political organization called O’Say Can You See PAC Non-Federal, based in Annapolis, Md. The IRS has just made public the organization’s report of contributions and expenditures for the first six months of 2013.
The organization reported it had receipts of $315,497 and disbursements of $220,950. Major donors included $10,000 from HCR Manor Care (Ohio); $5,000 from Willard Hackerman (president and CEO of Whiting-Turner Construction, Md.); $5,000 from Thomas Hale Boggs (partner, Patton Boggs, D.C.); $3,000 from Consol Energy Inc. (Pa.); $3,000 from Paul Sheehy (president of Sheehy Autos, Md.); $10,000 from David Zaslav (CEO of Discovery Communications, Md.); $10,000 from Pam Zaslav (homemaker, Md.); and $10,000 from David Gelfand (attorney, Cleary Gottlieb Steen Hamilton).
The organization reported paying the national polling firm of Peter D. Hart Research Associates (D.C.) $34,000 for research.
O’Malley also has a federal PAC with the same name. View our earlier posting on its financial activities this year.