Howard Coble Gets a Call From the Fashion Police

He may be one of the oldest members of the House, but North Carolina Republican Rep. Howard Coble, 82, is still looking to start trends on the House floor.
During the House’s rancorous debate over a continuing resolution that would fund the government but defund Obamacare, Coble rocked a light blue and green madras sport coat.
His fashion choice lit up Twitter and even earned the congressman a call from the fashion police, according to his office.
Slate reporter Dave Weigel took to Twitter with his critique of Coble’s threads.
If you’re not in the House watching the CR vote, you’re missing Howard Coble wearing the best jacket ever. Like a turtle exploding.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) September 20, 2013
Coble, who said his mother worked in textile factories, took the critique in stride.
@daveweigel always enjoy rockin’ the madras
— Howard Coble (@HowardCoble) September 20, 2013
According to Coble Chief of Staff Ed McDonald, Coble has worn the jacket a number of times this summer but will retire the jacket now that the autumn equinox is on us.
As for the silliness that has ensued following his wardrobe choice?
“He loves it,” McDonald said.