Satirist Suspects Government Shutdown Is Only the Beginning
The way Mark Fiore sees it, the multifaceted GOP push to grind the government to an absolute halt is but a speed bump en route to its ultimate goal: total annihilation.
Republican Doomsday Cult from MarkFiore on Vimeo.
In his latest animation, “Republican Doomsday Cult” — during which the narrator explains, “We must cut everything. Lest the devil of compromise returns” — the Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist posits that Republicans John A. Boehner of Ohio, Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas are deliberately leading the entire country toward certain destruction.
“When you have the Republican Speaker of the House threatening a national default, food stamps being slashed while farm subsidies are increased and an attempt to defund a program that has been in existence for four years, things have gone to crazy-land,” Fiore argues on his personal blog.
While he lumped them all together for illustrative purposes, Fiore gladly ticked off the specific reasons he chose to lampoon this bunch in particular.
“Boehner threatens default, Ted Cruz wants to kill Obamacare (among other things) and shut down the government, Mike Lee is right there with him as a ‘kindred spirit’ and Paul Ryan and Rand Paul are austerity evangelists who want to turn the keys over to the private sector in every situation,” he told HOH of their spoof-worthy policy positions.
Oddly enough, Fiore is convinced that this modern cabal would most likely even alienate their conservative predecessors — including Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. “You know, old-school Republicans who would now be called socialists,” he quipped.
Meanwhile, those who would prefer to write off Fiore as a pure partisan should take note:
Obama’s Reassignment Surgery from MarkFiore on Vimeo.
The veteran iconoclast throws elbows at the administration, too.