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Louie Gohmert Fans Love Playing Fantasy Politics

According to President Barack Obama and Speaker John A. Boehner, there have been no winners in the government shutdown that has paralyzed Capitol Hill and turned the District into a ghost town.

Guess they haven’t been keeping up with the growing number of Facebook fan pages where armchair campaign managers plot alternative power grabs by their dream candidate: Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas.


The Truth Dispatch publisher Trey Mays launched his “Gohmert for Speaker” platform on Oct. 3 and has been bowled over by the positive response so far.

“I’m kind of amazed that I’ve been able to get this many likes. I’ve never created a group or page that got this much,” Mays told HOH. Mays also said he’s only really been reposting content shared on Gohmert’s official page, plus some color commentary about the burgeoning flock he’s gathered. “I’m pleased with it.”

Mays said he’s emailed Team Gohmert about drafting a new “Contract With America”-style manifesto to realign the country with conservative values. So far he’s heard nothing but crickets.

“I haven’t been contacted by anyone yet. And I guess I don’t really care if I am or not,” Mays said of the radio silence. “But it would be cool.”

Mays hinted he could probably get behind a Gohmert Senate bid, but said he wouldn’t necessarily be happy about it. He believes Gohmert can do more good in the solidly Republican House than by rushing over to the Senate to become a “voice in the minority.”

“I believe we need strong conservative leadership there,” Mays said of his desire to keep the House deep red.

That’s where he and Gohmert groupie Matthew Nehrling part company.

Nehrling originally created his fan group in August 2011 under the auspices of “Supporting Congressman Louie Gohmert.” Since then, he’s switched the banner twice: first to “Louie Gohmert for Speaker of the House” last December, and most recently to “Louie Gohmert for Senate” on Sept. 25.

The latest evolution was even accompanied by a clarion call to ditch Texas Sen. John Cornyn — or #FireCornyn, as Nehrling puts it — that has evidently resonated with fellow tea party activists.


“Draft Gohmert or … Tom DeLay … Anybody but Cornyn,” one sympathizer urged online.

Mays’ next step is bringing more into the fold via an “Invitation Bomb” poised to go off Wednesday, in which attendees are supposed to recruit all of their Facebook friends.

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