Can These 2016 Prospects Seek Higher Office and Re-Election?

The Senate class of 2010 produced a handful of GOP rising stars, some whom may run for president or vice president as soon as 2016.
But the timing presents a problem for these Republicans: Not all states allow candidates to appear on a ballot twice. This would negate their ability to run for re-election to the Senate and president or vice president at the same time.
Roll Call often addresses this issue in its weekly series “Farm Team,” which examines the future candidates and politicking in every state. Here is how three could-be contenders stack up with state laws:
- Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H.: She is eligible to appear on the ballot twice, according to Roll Call’s New Hampshire Farm Team.
- Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.: He cannot appear on the ballot twice, according to the Kentucky Farm Team. But conservative activists are lobbying state legislators to change the law.
- Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.: No, he cannot appear on the ballot twice, according to the Florida Farm Team.