Personal Financial Report of Rep. Steve Stockman Questioned
The completeness and accuracy of the personal financial disclosure report of Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, has been called into question by a major media organization. The report is required by the Ethics in Government Act.
“Stockman’s filings don’t explain his income,” the Houston Chronicle reported in an article on Monday. “Both as a candidate and as a congressman, Rep. Steve Stockman of Clear Lake has failed to make federally required disclosures about business affiliations that stretch from Texas to the British Virgin Islands, and has provided no details about the business he claims as his sole source of income.”
Clark said Stockman omitted his own business relationships, bank accounts and the value of any businesses.
The Chronicle could not find any public records that document the existence of a company called “Presidential Trust Marketing,” which Stockman listed as the source of his 2011 and 2012 salary and fees.
Political MoneyLine reported in November 2012 on his lack of financial disclosure.