United Association’s Pipelines Move $651K in Political Funds
A labor organization used a federal PAC and a Section 527 organization as pipelines for $651,500 to federal and state campaigns during November.
The United Association Political Issues Fund, a Section 527 organization of the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipefitting Industry of the U.S. and Canada, reported it had receipts of $125,321 and expenditures of $108,000 during November. The organization gave $100,000 to We Are Kentucky, a Democratic-oriented super PAC that is helping to elect Alison Lundergan Grimes, D-Ky., to the U.S. Senate.
The United Association Political Education Committee, a federal PAC of the same labor organization, reported it had receipts of $462,652 and disbursements of $574,000 during November, leaving $3,314,912 cash on hand as of 11/30. The federal PAC gave $250,000 to the Democratic Governors Association; $100,000 to Taxpayers for Quinn; $52,600 to the Illinois Senate Democratic Victory Fund; $52,600 to the Chicago Committee; and $26,300 to a state senate candiadte.