Pat Toomey Portends Ellen Page’s Chilling Demise
Sen. Patrick J. Toomey has a message for the plucky, pint-sized star of 2007’s teen pregnancy dramedy: bundle up.
While everyone else in Washington, D.C., continues to obsess about the polar vortex poised to chap lips (and possibly worse) all over town, the Pennsylvania Republican broke the news that Ellen Page’s core temperature has already plummeted from our life-sustaining 98-degree range into organ-stopping territory.

Or could it be that he’s confusing the name of the award-winning movie with the capital of Alaska — Juneau?
Toomey has since amended his tweet to properly reflect the geographic location in question.
But not before online critics pounced on the opportunity to stick it to the befuddled pol:
@SenToomey yeah cause homeless & UEmp can afford a cell phone w twitter. Keep tweeting #pat @maddow @hardball @edshow — Flyers3✨ (@1221flyersfan) January 6, 2014
.@SenToomey are you a senator, or a [****ing] weather man? #getarealjob
— Doug Cooper (@Whitedong) January 6, 2014
How Page plans to weather this storm — the actual meteorological event as well as the intense social-media sniping — remains to be seen.