Georgia Farmers Are Just Nuts About Saxby Chambliss
Peanut producers in the Peach State want to help draw Sen. Saxby Chambliss out of his shell.
The second-term Georgia Republican on Thursday become only the fifth inductee into the Peanut Hall of Fame, an elite club — “Induction in the Peanut Hall of Fame is the highest recognition one can receive from the growers in the state of Georgia,” the congratulatory press release asserts — created by the Georgia Peanut Commission.
Previous honorees include President Jimmy Carter and the late Sen. Herman Talmadge, D-Ga.
The trade group hailed Chambliss’ leadership as a former chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, effectively commending him for never cracking during farm bill negotiations.

A “truly humbled and honored” Chambliss thanked the commission for the recognition — vowing to cream any competing agricultural interests.
“I look forward to continuing to work on behalf of the peanut industry to keep it vibrant and thriving,” Chambliss pledged in a prepared statement.