Picturing POTUS in a Different Light
It’s not every day that the leader of the free world invites himself into our collective living room.
So it’s very likely that Tuesday’s nationally televised State of the Union address will be the most animated that many Americans will see President Barack Obama all year.
Not so on the Internet, where the artsiest among us expend a great deal of time and energy reimagining what various presidents might look like under different circumstances.
Some unload on conservative policies (such as Ronald Reagan’s famous “trickle down” philosophy):
A few enjoy lampooning comically ironic legacies (how’s inflation treating ya, President Andrew Jackson?):
At least one history buff fancies more flirtatious commanders in chief (nice ink, President William Taft!):
Ghoulish types are champing at the bit for the walking dead to take over:
While eternal optimists see nothing but bright shiny futures ahead for us all (looking lucky, President Abraham Lincoln!):
Of course, there’s no denying that some politicians have a seedier side (get your freak on, President Thomas Jefferson!):
But let us never forget, being president doesn’t make a man any less human (or irreverent, right President Bill Clinton?):
Looks like you’ve got some competition, Mr. Lacey.