Vote for Your Favorite Capitol Quip
The five finalists for this week’s caption contest are ready for your votes.
Using the comments section below, vote for your favorite caption until 5 p.m. ET Thursday.
Here are this week’s finalists:
- Do you think closing the government for the day will help?
- I knew there was something wrong when the SuperPAC “Committee Against Elected Federal Officials” gave us this free ski trip!
- At least something is moving on Capitol Hill.
- “Only a flurry of voter fury,” you said?!
- Quite frankly, I don’t think it cares about the Red-Blue construct.
The cartoon with the winning caption will appear on this blog on Feb. 23 and in the following print edition of Roll Call. The contest winner will receive a signed color print of his or her Capitol Quip cartoon from the cartoonist, R.J. Matson.