A new brand worthy of the industry we represent
One of the many things about the 500,000 independent companies that comprise the auto care industry that makes me most proud is the innovation, quality and choice we offer in auto care. Our members—who include manufacturers, distributors, parts stores and repair shops—work tirelessly to keep vehicles running. Our vehicles are a vital part of our lives, and in a time when two-thirds of people drive their vehicle until the day it completely quits, the services provided by the auto care industry are indispensable. Being able to choose where and how you care for your car is essential to American motorists, and our expansive network continuously meets the standards that allow that to happen.
Independence drives us
Driven by the goal of representing the standards our member companies consistently meet and exceed, we at the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association recently completed a large rebranding effort. We are taking on a new name—the Auto Care Association—accompanied by a new look, logo and tagline, that better embodies the companies we represent and the value our industry brings.
We have always been committed to providing the resources our members need to help their businesses thrive, and we now have a brand that will allow us to better serve as the voice of the industry. We are redefining our industry in a way that better reflects the benefit of the work we do—providing auto care to millions of vehicles, drivers and businesses. While the term “aftermarket” defined our category of business, “auto care” defines its value.
Driving forward
The launch of the new brand comes at a key moment for the auto care industry, and we aim to use the momentum generated by the rebrand to build on our work across the industry. The name, tag line, values, logo and story are only the beginning. Consistent graphic standards, coordinated communications and teamwork will bring the brand to life, and build our story and help our reputation break through.
A shared commitment to choice and independence ties our industry’s vast network of companies together into an economic powerhouse, with more than 4 million jobs and 327 billion dollars in annual sales. And our Be Car Care Aware campaign shows our commitment to drivers, making sure anyone can be as up-to-date on their vehicle needs as we are.
As our new brand launches, we will increase our focus on training and educating those who make up the auto care industry. We want to support our members in accessing and using the most up-to-date information, technology and skills to continue providing quality auto care.
For consumers, our new brand will help ensure they fully understand the quality auto care they can receive from our members. We will continue to provide them with information and education on how to care for their vehicles themselves through our Be Car Care Aware campaign.
Our new positioning will better enable us to champion for the auto care industry with state and national legislators since it articulates up front the scope and value of the work we deliver. Our government affairs team will capitalize on our clearer and more memorable messaging so they spend less time explaining who we are and more time focusing on the issues important to our industry and our members.
We will continue an ongoing campaign to encourage our full industry to adopt the new name, brand and language, in addition to our external audiences.
We at the Auto Care Association are more ready than ever to stand by and for our members, so the industry—and its full size, scope and impact—can receive the credit and recognition it deserves.
Our cars and trucks are an extension of ourselves. They get us to work. They get our kids to soccer practice. They haul our stuff. Sometimes it feels like our whole lives are on four wheels. Our vehicles keep us moving, and the newly revamped Auto Care Industry keeps our vehicles moving – maintaining, repairing and upgrading the 254 million cars and trucks on the road today.