West Virginia Newcomer Battles Carpetbagger Label

RIPLEY, W.Va. — At the local Fourth of July parade, Alex Mooney proudly showed off his West Virginia concealed gun permit. The Republican’s campaign colors are blue and gold — echoing the Mountain State’s flagship public college, West Virginia University. In a gold polo shirt, Mooney pointed to his son sporting a WVU baseball cap, standing near the campaign’s pickup truck stuffed with gold balloons.
In a place with a lot of Mountaineer pride, Mooney has outdone them all.
Here’s the issue: Mooney isn’t from West Virginia. He graduated from Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, and until early 2013 , he was the chairman of the Maryland Republican Party. This November, Mooney will face off with former West Virginia Democratic Party Chairman Nick Casey in the race to succeed Rep. Shelley Moore Capito, who is running for Senate. He’s already battled accusations from Democrats that he’s a carpetbagger.
“I believe that it’s a likely Republican seat,” Mooney told CQ Roll Call. “I believe that my positions on the issues are where the voters stand.”

Mooney, a former member of the Maryland legislature and a protege of ex-Maryland Republican Roscoe G. Bartlett, might have had a shot at replacing his former boss. But Democrats redrew Maryland’s 6th District to be more favorable to their party following redistricting, and Democrats picked up the seat in 2012.
In college, Mooney ran for a state House seat in New Hampshire, making West Virginia the third state where he’s sought public office.
Mooney is patient with the carpetbagger charges. He argued in previous interviews that the region he represented in western Maryland shares a border and many other similarities to West Virginia’s 2nd District. And, underscoring that West Virginia is now home, he said last week that he intends to buy the house he is renting.
“It was brought up many times in the primary,” he said of the accusations. “Voters had other issues that were more important. It’s obviously a distraction.”
Part of Mooney’s problem is the woman he’s seeking to replace. Capito’s constituents are on a first-name basis with her. She is known to skip her flights home and make surprise calls on constituents on the six-hour drive from Washington, D.C., to Charleston, W.Va.
But many voters at the parade said they knew little about the race to replace the congresswoman and even less about Mooney.
Physician recruiter Brenda Greene, a registered Republican, weighed in when informed of Mooney’s recent arrival to her state’s politics.
“That bothers me,” she said. “Unless they were from here originally and left … but if they’re coming here just to get a seat, just because this is the place to come to be able to bump somebody out, that’s not the right mind set to be running for political office. ”

So far, Mooney has surprised state Republicans with his work ethic. His primary win was no fluke; he ran the best campaign.
More importantly, his WVU colors gambit worked. As he worked the crowd on the parade route, a woman snapped a photo of him with her daughter.
West Virginia has welcomed outsiders before. Most notably, retiring Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., who was born in New York City. But some West Virginians remain dubious of Mooney.
“Rockefeller was different, I think, because for a lot of West Virginians, it was a point of pride because of our reputation,” a West Virginia state Republican operative said.
But Mooney will have the vote of the state’s most prominent Republican.
“It’s going to be a tough race,” Capito said of the contest for her district at the parade. “I think the state is trending more Republican because folks are concerned about the direction of the country.”
She said, “I’ll be voting for Alex Mooney.”
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