Fed-Up Hill Types Get LaRouche Revenge on Wikipedia
The August recess seems like the perfect time to hit the links , bask in the blessed absence of meaningless electronic blather — and perhaps settle a few political scores.
Lawmakers may be away for the next few weeks, but the automated watchdogs at congress-edits noticed that one busy beaver on Capitol Hill felt compelled to share a little something about the acolytes of socio-economic gadfly Lyndon LaRouche with the rest of the world.
The online tweak to the official Lyndon LaRouche wiki, as is often the case with these anonymous changes, was less than complimentary.
HOH hasn’t bumped into any LaRouchies since last fall.
But when they show up, they sure do make an impression.
We pity the congressional aide misguided enough to believe a few harsh words spewed into the Internet ether would silence a man who’s been thumbing his nose at the government since before most modern Hill staffers (and possibly their parents) were even born.