Vote Now: Where Should Roll Call Travel to Cover the Midterms?
Will it be Omaha or San Diego? Raleigh or Topeka? Lexington or Denver?
Two days of voting have passed in Roll Call’s first reader survey to determine where we should send reporters cover the midterms. The polls for this round close Friday at 5 p.m.
As of Wednesday morning, the Kansas contest held a clear lead among Senate races. But that could change quickly if the state Supreme Court refuses to let the Democrat off the ballot , which could complicate the path for a wealthy independent candidate, Greg Orman, to take on GOP Sen. Pat Roberts in November. A decision is expected this week.
House contests in Nebraska and San Diego keep trading the top spot in that category. That might have something to do with a Facebook campaign from the Democratic nominee in Nebraska’s 2nd District, Brad Ashford, who is challenging GOP Rep. Lee Terry. Roll Call Politics’ House Reporter Emily Cahn has even acquired her own Twitter hashtag for this race choice: #CahntoNebraska .
Two finalists in each category will be announced Monday.
Have an opinion on which race we should cover? Did we miss one of your favorite contests this cycle? Email your feedback or race of choice to Politics Editor Shira T. Center, or tweet your thoughts or race at @RollCall with #RCReadersChoice.
Otherwise, the voting continues below. Which Senate race — listed below in alphabetical order by state — should we send @alexis_levinson to cover from the ground?
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Which House race — listed below in alphabetical order by state — should we send @CahnEmily to cover from the ground next?
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Roll Call Election Map: Race Ratings for Every Seat
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