Asian Republicans Announce 2014 Endorsements

The Asian Republican Coalition announced Wednesday its support for five Republicans in the midterms, including two incumbents, two House hopefuls and a gubernatorial candidate.
“These candidates believe in creating and building upon strong relationships within the comprehensive Asian American community,” ARC Chairman John J. Ying said in a press release. “We are pleased to see that they will constructively engage to push for an agenda based on education, merit, hard work, personal freedom, entrepreneurship and family.”
In Kentucky, ARC endorsed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who faces Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes. The Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call rates the race as Leans Republican .
They also backed Chris Gibson, R-N.Y., in his race against venture capitalist Sean Eldridge, a Democrat. The Rothenberg Political Report/Roll rates the race in the Empire State’s 19th District as Leans Republican .
In Virginia’s 10th District, ARC backed state Del. Barbara Comstock to succeed retiring Rep. Frank R. Wolf. She faces Democrat John Foust in a race rated Leans Republican by The Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call.
Republican Carl DeMaio got ARC’s approval in his race against freshman Rep. Scott Peters, D-Calif., in the 52nd District. The Rothenberg Political Report/Roll Call rates the race as a Tossup .
ARC also endorsed Cranston Mayor Allen Fung’s bid for governor in Rhode Island. That race is rated as Safe Democrat .
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